Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Welcome to The Honey Hole!  This blog was started in response to a crazy idea I had coupled with the support of friends and family who are frequently interested in what I am making next.  As some of you may or may not know, a "honey hole" is typically used as a fishing term to describe an area where a great amount of fish or big fish can be caught.  It is also slang for a location that yields a valued commodity or resource.  In response to that, who doesn't love good food?!  I don't know about you but good food is a valued commodity in my world and it would tickle me pink to share all these wonderful goodies with you!  It is almost a divine moment when I am in the kitchen, cooking or baking to my heart's content, making a tried-and-true dish or experimenting with a new recipe.  I hope you will join me along this journey, ask questions and provide positive feedback :)

I hope you'll be waiting for the first recipe that pops up here.  I have tons of recipes, but no pictures of them, so please be patient as I get those together.  They're coming soon!

Happy Eating!

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